There are many things that limit Bilbo from achieving goals. Courage something Bilbio has trouble finding. For example, it took a lot of courage just to leave his house for an adventure. Bilbo is a frail character but he later shows in the book that he is full of courage. Courage is the almost the only aspect that is limiting Bilbo from becoming a full blown hero other than hunger and sleep.
If I were able to speak to Bilbo, I would tell him that courage is not from the outside but the inside. He may be small and short, but it doesn't mean he can't be self sacrificing, cunning, and fierce. Bilbio will most likely accept this because, he has a hard time making decisions and he is easily persuaded into doing things such as leaving his ordinary world when he truly didn't want to.
Wow, that is for sure a limiting belief! I liked how you said the limiting belief was a feeling, were as a limiting belief is usually something that physically holds the hero back (such as being short). What did Bilbo do with his new found courage?