This book is about Mimi, a fairly young woman travelling north to Ontario to her cottage. When she arrives, she notices that that an unnamed man is living there. After a few hours of exploring and talking in house, the man invites Mimi to his mothers house.
This book started out great. It truly painted a vivid photograph of the characters and the setting truly exploded with complex colors, but as I read on, the book became a tedious read. Judging from the cover and the small description located on the back of the book, I would have though this was a suspense/thriller novel, although it is quite the opposite. So far this novel has left me with several meaningless facts about these two characters, with no building suspense, climax, or resolutions to any conflicts.
I would like to end this blog post by saying that I do not recommend this to anyone that going into this book thinking this is a suspense/thriller novel. It is much more of a mystery book gone terribly wrong. If I must recommend this book, I would recommend it to people ages 13-30 who have read the mystery genre. In the end, it is quite a dissapointing book for the amount I have read.
You summary was concise here Mat, but you may want to check the consistency and clarity of the final paragraph. Although I was clear on your opinion - the recommendation confused me as it seemed contradictory.